Monday, August 3, 2015

Exeter Cathedral, GB

This card shows the organ in Exeter Cathedral, in Great Britain. The card is sepia, and unused. Its perspective is from the choir area looking to the liturgical west end. The organ features prominently. The organ was built in 1665 by John Loosemore. It has received its share of work over nearly four centuries, to meet the varying needs of the cathedral music, but remains a notable instrument. Most recently the organ was refurbished by Harrison & Harrison in Durham, GB beginning in 2013 (their own report on their work here). The instrument was played again at Advent 2014. Costing 1 million pounds, the work including re-organizing the interior of the instrument to facilitate sound projection and other aspects of improvement. View information from the cathedral website here, and a specification here.

I also have this card which shows the nave looking east, catching the opposite side of the organ and arch. This card is also sepia-toned, in mint condition. The reverse proclaims it is from the "Sunshine Series" of cards photographed and printed by EA Sweetman and Son of Tunbridge, Wells.

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