Monday, January 2, 2017

St John's, Church Hill, Richmond, VA USA

St John's Episcopal Church in Richmond, VA is famous for being the site of Patrick Henry's "give me liberty or give me death" speech. The parish capitalizes on this with regulated entrance to the facility, tours, and re-enactments of the speech inside the building. The church is also an active congregation with its own website. My postcard is one of several from the same era created by the church as part of the marketing of the Patrick Henry tie-in. They are all fairly common.

This color postcard at the top is used, with a note on the front with the date January 10, 1907. The church website states "the Adam Stein organ was installed in 1905 and restored in 1983." That would make the card contemporaneous with the new instrument. John DeMayo's more accurate site detailing Episcopal Churches in the region gives the years 1903 and 1985, with the latter work being done by the Virginia firm, Lewis and Hitchcock. His page also gives the specification. The card just above is not dated so I will not hazard a guess as to its time frame. Subtle differences between the wo cards (light fixture, stone tablet, transept door) distinguish the two and suggest different time frames. This second card is unused.

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