Saturday, December 31, 2016

Congregational Church, Osage, Iowa, USA

This card shows the pipe organ in the Congregational Church of Osage, Iowa. As best I can tell the church is now known as the Osage United Church of Christ. That congregation is in its fourth building in that town. The third building burned in 1951 having been completed in 1902. The fourth building was completed in 1954. I assume that this picture shows the 3rd building and its organ. The Organ Historical Society has information about the organ/church in its database, but as the instrument was destroyed by the fire, they have no specification, and only the most meager information. My used card is black and white, very much like that shown at the OHS database site. It was posted from Osage to Portland, OR with a one-cent Franklin stamp. The postmark indicates the year was 1910.

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