Saturday, December 31, 2016

St Severin, Paris, France

St Severin as it appears now dates to the 15th through 17th centuries, while the building exists where  a church stood as early as the 11th century. The organ dates from 1748, when an instrument by Claude Ferrand was installed. Significant changes and work occurred in 1889 and 1964. Most recently in 2011 more work has been completed by Quentin Blumenroeder. View the specification here. This site gives some more details about what is referred to as the Kern organ.

My card is an unused black and white example. I have been somewhat confused by the perspective for some time. I think the viewer is positioned in the apse looking down the south aisle of the building, with the organ on a gallery at the west end of the edifice.The low wall which seems to be separating the apse from the chancel is confusing to me simply because I have not seen this sort of arrangement before.

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