Saturday, February 16, 2019

Angers, France: Cathedral

My black and white card of the Angers Cathedral organ is unused. On the reverse is found C* des arts Photomechaniques Strasbourg-Schiltigheim" where *=an illegible character. There is no date anywhere.

Organs in Angers Cathedral have a long and colorful history. In 1869 Aristide Cavaille-Coll proposed what amounted to a new instrument, including perhaps pipework from previous instruments. It was finished in 1873 and inaugurated by Alexander Guilmant. It is this instrument which survives to this day after work at various times.  Debierre did work in 1901 and 1937. Beuchet-Debiere did more work after the war 1957-1959. At that time 19 new stops were added though the original pipework remained. This site is dedicated solely to the Angers instrument and includes a handful of fascinating images.

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