Monday, February 18, 2019

Wellesley, MA (USA): Dana Hall

I have been able to find no information about the organ shown on this card. The caption states this is the "living room" at Dana Hall in Wellesley Mass. Dana Hall is a girls' preparatory school. C.B. Dana was a philanthropist of some renown who donated to schools of various stripes. (One of the main buildings at Guilford College, Greensboro, NC, where I graduated, includes a Dana Auditorium.) I was able to find a letter from a key figure of Dana Hall which listed various improvements at the school, including an organ that cost $7000. But I have not been able to find any more details about the instrument itself. No doubt the room has undergone changes over the years, and it's possible the organ is no longer there.

My black-and-white card is used, and was sent to Brooklyn, NY in early 1907. Postage was paid by a common 2c Washington stamp type A129 type II, Scott 319. Various shades of red determine the final version of the stamp at hand; I have not bothered to determine if mine is "carmine rose" or "scarlet."

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