Saturday, February 16, 2019

Paris (FR): Notre-Dame

This card seems to focus on the statue, Our Lady of Paris (Notre-Dame de Paris), but the choir organ (orgue du cheour) is visible in the background. My card is unused, with serrated edges, in black and white. It was produced by Chantal of Paris. The statue is still in place in the cathedral, though the elaborate encasement has been removed. The organ facade is today much as depicted in the card. This site gives a specification for the instrument (but not the builder's name). The cathedral's website describes a bit of how the instrument is used in conjunction with the "grand organ" in the west gallery. But again the builder is not mentioned. This site in Canada gives a very thorough histroy of both the gallery organ and the chancel organ. The content is provided in French at the top of the page; you can read in English by scrolling down. The specification and more images are provided. The organ dates from 1968, standing within the casework from 1863.

In the picture below one can see the statue as it is today. The facade is barely visible in the background on the left. The bottom photo shows the choir organ more clearly.

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