Saturday, February 16, 2019

Geneva (SW): Cathedral of St Peter

At least three organs have stood in the west gallery of the St Peter cathedral in Geneva. I believe that my postcard shows the second. This helpful site gives a thorough history of the cathedral as well as the organs, in French and English. This site also gives information about the organ's history in the cathedral. Both describe the Tschanun organ as having a "Gothic facade" which is definitely what appears on the postcard. This instrument was installed in 1907 but within several years was having problems with its action. In the early 1960's upon examination it was decided that replacement of the mechanical systems would be nearly as expensive as installing a new instrument. So the decision was made to go in the direction of a new instrument for the west gallery. It was built by Metzler of Switzerland. My card was produced by O Sartori of Geneva. Metzler has a page on their site on the instrument.

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